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A conventional diaphragm pump changes rotary motion into reciprocating motion via a circular eccentric cam – this leads to pulsation. TACMINA has developed a drive mechanism that eliminates pulsation within the pump itself using our own unique fluid transfer techniques.

The Smoothflow Pump uses a patented drive mechanism that ensures continuous flow without pulsation by employing a precision, constant-speed cam. As a result, TACMINA pumps consistently deliver pulse-free fluid transfer with extremely accurate metered output.

Smoothflow Pumps feature all of the benefits of a diaphragm pump as well as excellent precision and performance – Smoothflow is the answer!

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The rotary motion of the motor is converted to reciprocating motion by the eccentric cam mechanism which causes the volume displacement to transfer the fluid at a constant rate.

This type is used for applications in which durability is paramount such as those requiring 100% duty cycle or involving an important process, but where pulsation is not an issue.

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A Solenoid-Driven Metering Pump is suitable when a wider control band of discharge volume is required or when complex control using external signals is required. The Solenoid-Driven Metering Pump has a maximum of 300 strokes/min (TACMINA benchmark), which means that it is 2 to 4 times faster than Motor-Driven Metering Pumps, and is capable of operation at a rate of once per minute (a control band of 300:1). It has an embedded controller and can be programmed to operate in a variety of ways..
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